DOT Hours of Service Explained: HOS + ELD’s

Chances are if you’ve been in the trucking industry for even just a little while, you’ve heard of Hours of Service (HOS). We’re going to cover the basics of HOS regulations.

What is the Purpose of DOT Hours of Service Regulations?

The point of the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations is to keep tired drivers off the road.

These rules cap the number of hours a driver can be on the road in any given duty cycle so that–in theory–tired drivers are given enough time to rest, eat, sleep, and otherwise be refreshed before they get back on the road.

AOBRDs Automatic On-Board Recording Devices (AOBRDs) are essentially any log-recording device that does not meet the US standard for an Electronic Logging Device (ELD).

AOBRDs, Electronic Logging Devices, and How they Relate to DOT Hours of Service

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) are digital log-recording devices that automatically capture your D (Drive) statuses.


How HOS Hours Work

The 14-Hour Window Within your 14 hour workday, you can drive for up to 11 hours.  (The extra 3 hours are for breaks, meals, showers, etc.)

DOT Hours of Service 30-Minute Break

Depending on your ruleset, you may be required to take a 30 minute break for every 8 hours of ON duty time.

Duty Cycles

Once every 7 days you can perform a 34-hour restart.  This just means that you are OFF duty for a full 34 hours.

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