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If you are a professional truck driver, it’s a fact of life you’ll need to deal with a breakdown of your truck at one time or another. We give tips on safely dealing with a big rig breakdown when it happens!
Easy to follow instruction to scale a tractor trailer and a loaded trailer. This is a procedure which all truck drivers should be familiar with. Learn the steps to adjust the weights correctly.
Learn some simple, yet often over looked tips to back up a tractor trailer successfully.
Every truck driver should know the weight of diesel fuel. Learn how to balance fuel weights for proper scaling of a semi truck and trailer. scaling mi truck.
It’s easier to avoid a skid in a big rig in the first place, rather than trying to correct after the truck goes into a skid. Here are a few things a professional driver can do to avoid a skid that really work.
Bad weather for truckers can cause anything from inconvenience, delays, major accidents, interstate shutdowns and in some cases, death.
Here are some things truckers should know about dealing with dangerous weather.