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An Australian truck driver talks about the REAL BAD BOY big rig trucks that run through the Outback of Australia.
Learn the dangers of a truck driver encounters when driving an Australian road train in the barren Outback and how trucking in Australia is so different from North America.
Advice for truckers on how to best handle high risk deliveries. Know what to do if ever faced with delivery in a dangerous area.
A trucker tells his adventures and bad luck, in a ‘winning story’ about trucking in California….. a winner in our ‘worst load contest’!
Driving a truck for a living, isn’t always about the $. Learn why many choose truck driving for a career.
Truckers are clearly not welcome in the province of Ontario. From MTO quotas, high diesel prices, lack of parking and lousy freight rates, they certainly don’t roll out the welcome mat for the professional driver.
Sadly, there ARE bad truck drivers driving dangerously on our roads. We as professionals must recognize these dangerous drivers & help to fix the problem.