The 379 Peterbilt is a truck for the discriminating professional truck owner.
Way back when, just when truckers thought Peterbilt couldn’t improve nor out do themselves with the 359, low and behold, they designed and released the iconic 379 model.
The 379 was clearly aimed at the owner operator market. This long hood truck rose to be THE truck to own by owner operators and small trucking fleets.
It was Peterbilts’ top selling model in every year they were built.
There’s no doubt, the 379 was once the King of the Road.
It was and still is one of the most sought after models of trucks, in the used truck market. They were definitely a truck with character and class.
Sadly, the 379 truck model is no longer manufactured. It has been replaced by the 389 Peterbilt.
At first site of the 389, I did NOT like the look AT ALL.
In fact, I was downright offended that a) Peterbilt had stopped making the 379 and b) that they dared replaced it with something with Martian style headlights!
However, I must admit I have grown to like the look of the 389 over the years.
We have owned many 379 Peterbilts in our time in the trucking industry and I can say without hesitation, they were amazing trucks.
Related > How to Tell the Difference Between a 379 and 389 Peterbilt
What a shame this fantastic design and model was discontinued.
The Best Features of the Peterbilt 379
- Air ride steering axle. This option was originally offered, but later discontinued (was in the 359). The movement in the front axle worn out bushings, tires, shocks etc.prematurely. There was also some difficulty in controlling the air pressure to the airbags, so it either rode too choppy or too soft. Recently, Peterbilt brought back this option, after years of working at smoothing it’s bugs and glitches.
- Remote locking systems. The early 379’s had these systems with an entire book of options available.
- Air ride system. The 379 Peterbilt in it’s time, was the best riding truck available, with 3 different air-ride systems, a system where the unit sits of 3 sets of air bags: there’s air ride on the axle, under the bunk and cab (Unibilt) and also in the driver’s seat.
- Improved turning radius. In fact, this feature was also superior to it’s competition, too.
- Aluminum cab and bunk. Just like the 359, the cab and bunk was still the lightest on the market. The aluminum hood was very easy to tip.
- Roomy under the hood. Just like the 359, the 379 Peterbilt kept the roomy area under the hood, so any engine and transmission combination would fit. Smart move.
Resale of the 379 Model
The 379 was always more expensive to buy than others on the market, but resale was then and still is now, ‘tops’ in the industry.
In fact, even after the company has discontinued the production, the resale on a 379 Peterbilt, is even better now than ever!
Related > The Mid-America Truck Show – The Return of the Trucks!
379 Peterbilt Photo Collection
- The Ultimate Photo Collection of Peterbilt 389 Trucks
- 2004 Peterbilt 379: Reliable And In It For The Long Haul
- A Hot 1987 Peterbilt 377: Custom Truck With Power Plus
- Photo Collection of Peterbilt 359 Trucks