At some point in your professional driving career, unfortunately, you will encounter a super trucker.
Perhaps, he’s already pulling for the same trucking company you are working for.
A super trucker can be an independent trucker, an owner operator or a company driver.
They are often loud. No one else in the room can talk when they’re around. He’s the one that flirts with all the truck stop waitresses. They are self-centered and know pretty much everything about trucking!
Related > 5 Important Things You Should Know About a Career in Trucking
How to Identify a Super Trucker
- Channel 19 on the CB, is his favourite.
- Gets paid the best money in the trucking business.
- He has the fastest truck.
- Knows all the most important people in the trucking industry on a first name basis. In fact, he’s a personal friend of B.J. MacKay and the Rubber Duck!
- He’s been there, and done that. Backed up his rig more miles than the rest of us have gone forward!
- He’s chained up on the steepest, most dangerous grades.
- Fought the worst storms ever, when behind the wheel.
- Rebuilt engines, on the side of the road, with nothing more than an adjustable wrench.
- He’s good looking. Just ask him.
- He messes around with the company owner’s wife and daughter. In fact, he’s dated super models, but had to dump them because they wanted to take him away from his trucking career.
- There’s NO where he hasn’t been.
Fortunately, most super truckers spend most of their time on Facebook, rather than in truck stops, so most of us don’t need to interact with them very often.
They can be a dangerous force behind the wheel.
Related > Learn from the Old School Truckers
You Can Learn From Professional Drivers
Even after many millions of miles behind the wheel, I still encounter a driver almost every day, who has a great tip or piece of advice worth knowing about trucking.
These drivers are not the loud-mouth types. Those who have the most to offer, are usually the older, quieter experienced drivers.
If you are paying attention, you’ll catch their message and learn a valuable lesson.
They aren’t the type to repeat the lessons over and over again, or beat you over the head with the message to make sure you’ve got it.
You need to be paying attention. Watch and listen carefully.
You’ll pick up some valuable information to help you in your trucking career.
THESE drivers have a lot to offer.
Forget the super truckers.